Swaziland United Democratic Front (SUDF) is not surprised by the arrest of the two pro- democracy members of parliament, especially because we have always held the view that there is no right to freedom of expression, assembly and association in Swaziland.

The Kings government by arresting the People’s elected members of parliament for expressing themselves and doing their job is a clear indication to all that the Swaziland Parliament has no power. Secondly, this arrest is not an arrest of the two MP’s but it is an arrest of the electorate which is the people.

SUDF warn the King’s government that, to destroy can be the thoughtless act of a single day. The actions of the King’s government are a sign of destruction, and not being committed to save this nation but revealing an attitude of wanting to burn down the house, than allowing anyone to share it with him.

SUDF demands the King’s government to release the People’s MP’s without any conditions. The King and his government should know that they cannot stop change, but can only delay it as

they have already done.

SUDF appeal to the international community to put pressure to King Mswati 111 and his government through tough targeted sanctions. We also urge the International community to continue calling upon the King to respect fundamental Human Rights and remove all impediments to have an all-inclusive political dialogue that will seek to find a long lasting solution to the political problems in the country of Swaziland.

Issued by: Abigail Jele
SUDF Media & Communication Officer Contact: +268 7690 2370

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