SUDF Press Release On The Failure Of Leadership At Sibaya Monologue

Our Genuine call for an all-inclusive dialogue has fallen on deaf ears on the Leadership of this country. Events of the past days, especially the 16th July 2021 which there were two major events, one was the big People’s March protest in Manzini. The People’s march was crushed by gun wilding army while the protest was attended by thousands of our people and was able to shutdown Manzini City the entire day.

On contrary the King Mswati 111 and his government were having a monologue with only 450 people, because our people resolutely and unanimously rejected his leadership and monologue way of tricks to avoid addressing the serious demands of the people.

The Swaziland United Democratic Front has been encouraged by our people’s unity and determination for change. The King’s Army and police thought that by killing our people on what is now known as Eswatini Massacre, they will instill fear and division to the pro-democracy movement and unfortunately they brought us together and united our people and risen their anger which expresses itself by boycotting the Sibaya King’s Monologue.

SUDF observed that the speech of the King Mswati 111 further angered our people. The King missed an opportunity to bring calm, unity and hope to the people, but his speech lacked wisdom, it was ill-timed, unnecessary, hopeless, full of anger, and lack direction of how the country should move out of the Crisis. The King’s monologue failed to bring hope to the Nation and especially the Business Community, as it lacked leadership to bring political stability and ultimately create peace in the country. The Political Environment Remain Unstable and unpredictable for the business community and nation.

Bearing in mind how he chose to insult the people who genuinely call for an all-inclusive political dialogue to craft a clear way forward to the challenges facing this great Nation. The killing of unarmed children, women, youths and men, and also the hundreds injured, persecuted, tortured and imprisoned have not changed the growth, offensive, and the determination to gain freedom to choose their leader and the way they want to be governed.

It is fair to remind the King that we as SUDF have always conducted our struggle with morality and a morality which is not understood by many of our people. Our people are asking why should they only be killed. They are posing this question to their Leaders, and by posing this question they are failing to understand that our struggle is a peaceful nonviolent struggle for change.

SUDF call upon the International Community to support the pro-democracy movement with everything possible, especially political and economically. We call on the SADC, African Union and United Nation to make all means to intervene and guide the country to a peaceful transition.

Issued by:
Abigail Jele (SUDF Communications Officer)
Contact: +268 76902370

Lucky Dlamini (SUDF Treasurer General)

Contact: +268 7614 4781

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